Podcast Update
And so it begins. My name is Robert (aka, Vincent Ambrosio/Mozart). My counterpart, Joe will be co-hosting the weekly show with me. He goes by Big Joey T on the blog and by "Mozart's friend" in circles associated with The Office. Friday, August 4th, Joe and I plan to head up to Cardinals' training camp in Flagstaff, AZ. We plan on doing our first podcast either while we're up there or when we get back. The details have yet to be hammered out. It depends upon our decision to either wake up at 4 am to be there for the morning 8 am practice, or if we decide to hit up the more reasonable afternoon practice. Either way, we plan on having a great show put together for you all. Expect to hear some interviews from, and cross your fingers now, as many Cardinals players as possible. I just ordered a pretty sweet mic and a small sound board today that should give our podcast the quality it needs to be taken seriously. I'm pretty freakin excited about that.
So please stay tuned and add our feedburner feed to your RSS aggregator or Podcast catcher to stay up to date on our progress. Just right click the podcast feed link, copy the shortcut and paste it into your aggregator of choice. Trust me, you will not regret it.
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