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Monday, September 11, 2006

Pistol Whipped

This weekend marks the triumphant return of ASU's high powered offense. After coming off to a slow start last week against the NAU Lumberjacks, the Sun Devils finally got into a groove by scoring a whopping 52 points against the Nevada Wolfpack. Rudy Carpenter put on a clinic by tossing up 333 yards and five touchdowns. That's right, five freakin TDs. He bested his personal best of four set against Rutgers last season in the Insight Bowl. Another accomplishment of note was that of tight end Zach Miller. He broke the career TD mark of all former Sun Devil tight ends. If he isn't a first day pick when he decides to enter the draft, then there is something fundamentally wrong with this crazy world of football. Not only was our offense in high gear but our defense was pretty solid as well. Ryan McFoy returned an interception for a touchdown and had a key sack late in the game. Well, by key sack late in the game, I mean an awesome sack that solidified how much the Sun Devils were spanking the Wolfpack. Their "Pistol" offense, a cheesy marketing term for an offset shotgun formation, was no match for our vaunted Pac-10 D. Unfortunately, Rudy Burgess left the game pretty early with what is reported as a slight concussion. He was on a roll too. Two early catches for 41 yards indicates the potential for a strong performance. Maybe he'll start off just as strong in Boulder next week.

What is the deal with Terry Richardson? Dude has two catches all season. He's supposed to be the guy to replace Derek Hagan. But when I see Nate Kimbrough and MIKE JONES, doing a better job than you, it makes me wonder where your head's at. Where are you T Rich? Get in the game and catch some passes. If you decide to show up next week, then please forward any thank you cards to Big Joey T and Rob at the Devilled Cardinal Eggs. We believe in giving credit where credit is due.

To finish off this post we give you the player of the game. Grant Crunkleton intercepting a pass in the fourth quarter. With a name like Crunkleton, you automatically get points. When you have an interception in the second game of your freshman year and have an awesome name, that equals player of the game. Lil' Jon couldn't have come up with a better name than Grant Crunkleton. Congratulations kid.

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posted by Vincent Ambrosio at 9:13 AM


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